Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360


Despite the special circumstances generated by the local war and their unusual mode of transport, Jason and Chris were refused entry to the Solomon Islands at Auki and made to reboard Moksha and pedal to the old British capital of Tulagi where an official immigration point (well, one guy and two chairs in a tiny office) was located.

This entailed a short but hazardous voyage across the Indispensable Straits before negotiating a reef system guarding the entrance to the Mboli Passage: a saline channel of water dividing the two halves of Nggela Sule and Nggela Pine and also home to a large population of saltwater crocodiles! The unusual sight of Moksha attracted a collection of local fishermen in their dugouts and before long Jason and Chris were hosts to 12 extra crew who took it in turns to pedal the boat, play guitar and talk story until Tulagi hove into view later that same day.

Map courtesy of Map Resources





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