Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360



BORN >> 1966 in the West Midlands, England.

EDUCATION >> MSc Environmental Technology. Studied to Ph.D level at Imperial College London, leaving after less than 2 years to create Pedal for the Planet (now Expedition 360).

WORK >> Environmental consultant in London, OECD International Energy Agency in Paris, lecturer and assistant to working groups creating "green labels" for consumer products at European Community level. Staff research scientist, Imperial College, London.

ORIGINAL IDEA >> Stevie Smith conceived the idea for Expedition 360 in 1991, whilst staring from his office window one rainy grey Monday. He travelled with Jason and other friends for five years from London to Hawaii entirely by human power, then stopped to write a book entitled "Pedalling To Hawaii: a human-powered adventure across the Western Hemisphere".

Stevie continues to support and facilitate the expedition in a variety of ways, and is currently engaged in a series of public lectures in Europe and the USA.

"Expedition 360 - the first journey around the world by human power - is many things wrapped up in one package: as a physical challenge it is immense, perhaps the last great "First" left to be done; as a financial and logistical headache it can be even more testing; as an educational vehicle for schools and young people around the world it is a small but important contribution and a way for us to give something back; as an aspirational goal it is empowering, because it shows that ordinary people, filled with passion and helped by others, can accomplish the most extraordinary things. And for me personally, the expedition has revealed an infinite value beyond any goals or achievements. which is the joy of just this one step along the road."


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© Expedition 360 Productions, LLC. 2003